
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

DT Introduction: Cindy

Hi there! My name is Cindy Alvarez I'm from Chile and I started
scrapbooking a year and a half ago when I made a birthday banner for my
little daughter and I couldn't stop! Working with papers and pictures is so
much fun and gives me the opportunity to leave my daughter beautiful
memories.  I really enjoy crafts.  I have made dolls, cross stitch, painting
and they all make me happy. I'm married with Luis and we have two sweet
daughters Sofia and Emilia and a dog name Leon.


You can see Cindy's beautiful creations HERE.


  1. Welcome Cindy! I can't believe you've been scrapping for only year and half, your creations are just so amazing <3

  2. Nice to meet you, Cindy!!! I am looking forward to working with you.

  3. Hello Cindy - you live in such a beautiful part of the world... Chile is on my list of places to visit one day (smile)... I cannot wait to get know even more about you as we scrapbook our lives together this term!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Welcome to the team Cindy! I look forward to designing with you :)

  6. I am looking forward to seeing what you create.


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