
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Winner! Winner! Winner!

I hope that you've been enjoying getting to know some of our Design Team members last week!
Now it's time to draw for the giveaway! picked lucky number 17 which is.......

Congrats Phillis!  Please send me an email with your address, and I'll get that out to you!

If you didn't win, don't worry, there may be some other giveaways coming soon ;) 
This week we will be revealing the rest of the Design Team. 
Stay turned for your first reveal set for December 7th!!  We have an amazing and generous sponsor for our first challenge and it is taking everything for me not to spill the beans!!!
Have a fabulous week ahead :)


  1. WooHoo!I am so excited to be the winner. I just sent an e-mail with my address. I am looking forward to the see the fist challenge on 7th.


Thank you for visiting us at Challenge YOUrself!