Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Challenge #11: Scrap an Affirmation

Hello there!

We are changing things up this month... we are digging deep with this next challenge!

But first, let's talk about our generous sponsor this month.  A huge thank you to Paper Issues who are back again this month sponsoring Challenge YOUrself with one of their Swag Bags!!  If you haven't seen these yet, you're in for a treat!  It's a bag full of goodiness... a bit of this, a bit of that, a bit of everything you need!  Click HERE if you want it now!
Thank You Paper Issues!!

Please stop by the Paper Issues Blog and Facebook and say Hello!


Now onto our challenge:

Do you find that positive self-talk helps you feel better in difficult situations? Do you seek inspirational quotes to get you motivated? 

Positive affirmations are a great way to empower your life.   You become what you think and what you believe.  Your thoughts create your reality.  To affirm is to have an intention, a statement.  It is recognizing and asserting YOUrself.

Challenge YOUrself #11: Scrap An Affirmation
Scrap an affirmation that YOU would like to attract into your life.
(Remember to include YOU in the layout)

Here are some affirmations layouts that are sure to inspire you:




Still not sure?  

Check out THIS blog for a list of words.  Find your word and click on it to see several positive affirmations!

As I said, one lucky player will win a Swag Bag from Paper Issues. All you have to do is play along and link up for a chance to win :)

{Here is a peak at what October's Swag Bag looks like}


(Remember to include a photo of YOU in your layout)

You have until November 4th, 2014 to link up your layouts below.

1. Sanna L, Austria  9. Athanasia  17. Gemma S  
2. Kerry McKenzie  10. Helen Hapsi  18. Ester Herrera (Chile)  
3. KateB  11. scrapperita  19. Bruksflickan(Fin)  
4. Paperpapier  12. Debi Clark  20. Birgit (Austria)  
5. Jessie Grey  13. Julie Short  21. Phillis  
6. Mary Bennetts  14. soonju lee  22. Kimberly Fordyce  
7. giorgia rossini - Jò  15. Terhi Koskinen  23. Yka (Slovakia)  
8. Erina(Greece)  16. Angie Highland  24. Claudia Fuentes Osorio  

(Linkup closed)


  1. Can I just say I think this reveal is the BEST EVER from you girls? I am really inspired by both the positive sayings & the clever scrapping skills:):) Thank you:):)

  2. Awesome reveal ladies! What a wonderful group of women that I work with that have such amazing affirmations!

  3. I'm back from my honeymoon and ready to play again! I love this reveal and the challenge

  4. Beautiful job Ladies! So inspiring. Love this challenge!

  5. Great challenge and awesome inspiration from the design team!

  6. wow! Not a so so layout in the bunch! These are all great! And from one "Challenge" thinker upper to another... I am LOVING this challenge idea! Already have a plan. :)

  7. loved this challenge! Thanks for inspiring, loved all the affirmations and the layouts -I am actually gonna do a couple of these just for myself :)

  8. great inspiration! Hope to play along!!

  9. Fabulous inspiration DT!!! Enjoyed the challenge!

  10. Amé el reto propuesto por ustedes.
    Ya deje mi participación!!;)

  11. It is especially decent, though look into the tips during this home address. positiveaffirmationsly.com


Thank you for visiting us at Challenge YOUrself!